Centre Street Pharmacy

Welcome to Centre Street Pharmacy

Centre Street Pharmacy

Welcome to Centre Street Pharmacy! A full service pharmacy in the Greater Toronto Area that provides custom compounded medications and general prescriptions. Patients and doctors welcome!

Our Credentials
Meet Our Founder

Your Pharmacist: Meet Dora Liss

Meet Dora Liss, your dedicated pharmacist with 40 years of expertise. A Warsaw Medical University alumni and public health PhD, Dora commits to exceptional care, ensuring each patient understands their treatments and feels right at home at our pharmacy.

Empowering you with knowledge and care, our goal is to make each visit to your pharmacy a reassuring, personal experience.

Dora Liss

Founder, CEO of Centre Street Pharmacy

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Years of Industry Experience
Cities Delivered to Across Ontario
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Prescriptions Filled
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Patients & Doctors Cared For
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Years of Industry Experience
Cities Delivered to Across Ontario
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Prescriptions Filled
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Patients & Doctors Cared For

General Prescriptions

Repellat nulla pretium molestias laoreet. Urna fugiat sem metus, cum diamlorem dolorum, consectetur.

Feature Listing

Compounded Prescriptions

Repellat nulla pretium molestias laoreet. Urna fugiat sem metus, cum diamlorem dolorum, consectetur.

Feature Listing

General Prescriptions

All of the regular prescriptions you get from your pharmacy, you can also get here! We offer in-person pickup, or free or minimal cost delivery across the GTA

Available General Prescriptions

Compounded Prescriptions

Customized medications made according to our patient's and doctor's requests.

Available Compounded Prescriptions

Hear It From Our Patients & Doctors

"The most personable service. So accommodating and kind. Highly recommend."                                                                                                                                                                           
Melanie Heilbronn
"I'm always impressed with Centre Street Pharmacy. Dora Liss goes above and beyond to explain medications, ensuring my patients understand their treatments fully. Truly a gem in the community!
Dr. Sheryl Brown
How to Get Started

How to Get Your Medications?

Easily access your general prescriptions & custom prescriptions with our streamlined ordering and lightning-fast delivery service.

1. Complimentary Consultation

For both patients & doctors, schedule your free medication consultation!

2. Prescription

You give us your prescription. If you are a patient, we can help you get one. Please contact us.

3. Delivery or Pickup

Choose free, fast home delivery or in-store pickup.

The GTA's Most Trusted Pharmacy

Why Is Centre Street Pharmacy the Best Choice?

Free & Fast Delivery

Enjoy quick, reliable delivery right to your doorstep at no or minimal costs.

Concierge Medicine Explanations

We take the time to explain your medications, ensuring you feel informed and confident. Call us whenever you need.

40+ Years of Experience

Leverage our extensive expertise in pharmacy services spanning over four decades.


Access high-quality care, medications, and medication-delivery without breaking the bank.

Custom Medications Suited to Your Needs

Receive medications custom-made to meet your specific health requirements. 


Experience genuine care. Our staff treats every patient & doctor with the warmth, respect, and attention they deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Call us! Our friendly team is always ready to answer your questions.

(905) 660-7878

Yes, we deliver prescriptions to patients across Ontario. Our delivery is free, with the exception of a minimal charge for more remote locations.

Delivery is free within the Greater Toronto Area. Outside of the Greater Toronto Area, there is a $20 dollar delivery fee.

We are located on Centre Street, in between Bathurst Street and Dufferin Street.

We are open 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday, and are open from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM on Friday. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Yes, we provide consultations in English, Polish, Russian, and Hebrew to ensure clear and comfortable communication for all our clients.

Yes, we offer phone access to our pharmacy team outside of normal business hours, so you can get the support you need at any time.

Our compounded medications are prepared with precision and back by over 40 years of pharmacy expertise, ensuring their effectiveness and quality.

Our Purpose

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